Isikla Gelen (What Comes with the Light)
Can Atilla02:54
Goklerin Daveti (Invitation of the Skies)
Can Atilla02:47
Gevher Banu'nun Aski (Gevher Banu's Love)
Can Atilla03:08
1. Gece: Melekle Dans (First Night: Dance with an Angel)
Can Atilla03:06
Ates'in Daveti (The Invitation of the Fire)
Can Atilla02:54
3. Gece: Seytanla Dans (Third Night: Dance with the Devil)
Can Atilla02:38
Ruzgarlar Sustugunda (When the Wind Goes Silent)
Can Atilla05:04
2. Gece: Sehvet Dansi (Second Night: Dance of Lust)
Can Atilla03:24
Sararmis Yillar (Years Turn Yellow)
Can Atilla04:46
Belh, Afganistan 1207 (Belh, Afghanistan, 1207)
Can Atilla04:11
Ak Şemsettin'in rüyası - Esir Pazarı (Yeni versiyon)
Can Atilla01:55
Еще треков